This Friday, October 6, WUTM will be celebrating World College Radio Day on air and in person at the Boling University Center on the campus of UT Martin.
We will be hosting a live remote broadcast from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. there will be giveaways, interviewing guests, and raising campus awareness for WUTM. If you're able to attend, we would greatly appreciate your support for UT Martin's award-winning college radio station.

You may be asking, what is World College Radio Day? Established in 2012 by Dr. Rob Quicke, World College Radio Day is celebrated by hundreds of college radio stations in 30 countries around the world. The mission of World College Radio Day is to harness the combined listenership of hundreds of thousands of college radio listeners throughout the world and celebrate the important contribution of college radio by uniting for one day.