UTM students are invited to celebrate Chancellor Caver on Wednesday, February 22 at 2 p.m. in the lobby of the Latimer Smith building. The event is to honor and celebrate Dr. Carver's hard work and service to UT Martin over the past six years.
"Chancellor Carver has been a tireless, passionate advocate for UTM in west Tennessee and across the state, and he has been an unwavering supporter of students, faculty, and staff at UTM during his tenure. He has been a good friend to so many people on campus and in the community. This event will be an opportunity to thank him for all he has done for UTM as an institution and for each of us individually," Dr. Philip Cavalier stated in an email.
The current Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs also added that this is a BYOK event- Bring Your Own Kleenex.
Dr. Carver's last day at UT Martin is February 28th before he will move into the Senior Vice Chancellor and Senior Vice President role at the UT Insititute of Agriculture. Carver shared with students that it was a bittersweet decision, but that he is thankful for the UTM community and for the people he has met while being Chancellor.