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Writer's pictureKayla Brooks

UT Martin requires flu shot for students, faculty and staff

In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, scientists say they fear a "twindemic." In other words, they fear what will happen when flu season rolls around when COVID-19 is still widespread.

In response to that, the UT Board of Trustees approved an emergency resolution, requiring all students, faculty and staff to get a flu vaccine on June 26, 2020.

University of Tennessee at Martin students must submit proof of the vaccination by January 7, 2021. Officials say failure to comply will result in being dropped from classes.

Students can get a flu mist for free on campus each Thursday this semester in the University Center between 11:30 and 2:00.

Students will be waived from this requirement for medical or religious reasons. Documentation can be submitted online. We'll have a link for submissions soon.

Officials say students who receive the flu mist from Student Health and Counseling Services do not need to submit documentation.

UT Martin has tried to prevent, control and monitor the spread of COVID-19. The flu immunization requirement is part of that effort.

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